Advanced damage system showing holes in the ships after severe collisions.Advanced vector graphic sea chart with full-screen display option, transparency setting, and high level-of-detail on text and depth readings.Multiplayer feature to be added this September.Walkthrough functionality and interactive bridge controls on all ships.6 new ships, an oil rig, and 3 new environments.Extensive day, night, and weather systems.30 new complex and challenging missions.Long distance travels, open ocean voyages between ports.Dynamic ocean waves, with realistic ship motions.Several new key features in Ship Simulator 2008 include: Ship Simulator 2008 will amaze you with its progress and will rock your simulated world. The waters you sail are also as varied as the ships, with newly added harbours such as Southampton (including the Solent), Marseille and San Francisco. Players will need to perform a multitude of tasks, all set within a stunning 3D environment, taking control of a wide array of ship types – from massive cargo ships and ferries, to speedboats, yachts, water taxis and even the mighty Titanic. Ship Simulator is a revolutionary simulation game that puts players at the helm of some of the most varied and detailed ships to be found at sea. Perform tasks in the many pre-fab missions or just steam ahead freely. The waters you sail are also as varied as the ships, from the biggest harbours in the world to calm aqua marine tropical waters. Players can take control of a wide array of ship types, from massive cargo ships to speedboats, yachts, water taxis and even the mighty Titanic. Ship Simulator is a simulation game that puts players at the helm of some of the most varied and detailed ships to be found at sea, all set within stunningly realistic 3D environments.

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